Tutorials -

A How to Guide for Designer Tips

Tip I

Shading Tips: Fig. 1 The berries are stenciled with Rich Red leaving a vibrant white high light. The berry is then shaded with black! Sounds unlikely but it looks great. The leaves are stenciled with Pilgrim Green then shaded with black. Erase the veins. Fig. 2 is the same stencil using Concord Blue for the berries, leave a white highlight, shade with black. The berries of Fig. 3 are stenciled with Savannah Peach leaving a white highlight and shaded with Barn Red. The leaves are Pilgrim Green shaded with Walnut Brown.
1 2  

Tip II

Add color by removing it! Jeannie uses a Pentel "Clic" eraser to erase the stencil paint for leaf veins. This works best while the paint is still damp, if it has dried you will need an ink eraser. (Sorry - it doesn't work with acrylic paint.)